
   The Training School will be devoted to presenting and discussing recent advances and pending issues in hyperpolarisation techniques, including PHIP, hyperpolarised gases, Liquid DNP, Dissolution DNP and ssNMR DNP. Theory, development of methods and  polarizing agents, applications  in structural biology, chemistry and biomedicine will be addressed. The workshop will bring together experts and students.



For registration, click to: http://www.protisvalor.com/congr/cost/

The workshop will be held in Carry le Rouet (nearby Marseille) from 20 to 24th October 2014.

All the events will be at the Vacanciel centre and the registration fees include accomodation, all meals, tutorials and conferences. 

The workshop is limited to 30 participants.

Please contact the organisers by mail hyperpol@sciencesconf.org (olivier.ouari@univ-amu.fr) for further questions.



The School will be held at Centre Vacanciel (20 km from the airport)

Address: Chemin des Eaux salées, Plage du Rouet, 13620 Carry le Rouet

(Tel. +33 (0)4 42 45 00 45)

From Marseille Provence Airport: a shuttle service will operate and connect you directly to the School (Carry le Rouet, centre Vacanciel).

From Marseille St Charles train Station: you can take a train to Carry le Rouet (http://www.voyages-sncf.com/,  duration 30 min.).  A shuttle will give you a ride to the School (5 min.) 

 The School will end in the morning of Friday 24th. 


Posters & Flash Presentation

Each participants are encouraged to present a poster.

Flash presentation of 3 min. will be scheduled on the first day. 

The goal is to present you to the audience and to motivate  the visit of your poster.




EuroHyperPol  COST Action TD1103



Cambridge Isotope Laboratories

Institut de Chimie Radicalaire, Aix-Marseille Université


Basics and Theory of Hyperpolarization Mechanisms (SE, CE, OE)

Para Hydrogen Induced Polarization

Hyperpolarized gases

Liquid DNP

Dissolution DNP


Application of Hyperpolarization Techniques


Lorens G.  ANDREAS (ENS Lyon, France)

Sean BOWEN (Technical University of Denmark)

Patrick BERTHAULT (CEA Saclay, France)

Konstantin IVANOV (International Tomography Center SB RAS, Russia)

Thomas PRISNER (Goethe-Universitat Frankfurt, Germany)

Yonatan HOVAV  (Weizmann Institute, Israel)

Andy A. SMITH (ETH, Switzerland)


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